July 19, 2023 | In the News

Siwek Lumber LeSueur announced its ownership team has expanded.

Joining the ownership group of the Minnesota-based prodealer are Shane Sinell, Jordan Sinell, and Ryan Schroer.

All three are Le Sueur natives, current employees of the operation. Together with Dave Siwek and Jason Pranghofer, they form the new ownership group.

Shane Sinell started in the business in 2011, following a career in the Army.  Shane engages in yard operations, product delivery, and servicing customers in the retail area, yard, and on jobsites.

According to Swiek Lumber, Shane is passionate about the industry and stated, “I want to continue to provide the community with quality materials and great customer service.”

Jordan Sinell started in 2019 after working different realms of jobs all for local Le Sueur employers.  Jordan focuses primarily on retail Sales and accounting and is a hands-on person, always ready to lend a hand in the yard when needed.

“I have only been in the lumber business for a short amount of time, but every day is a new day to learn something and that is what I enjoy,” Jordan said. “I enjoy working here because of the great community and its people.  The people are what really makes business and company really go and grow.”

Ryan Schroer started at the yard in 2013 after working for other local employers.  Schroer focuses on yard operations and puts his decade of experience under two different owners to work daily to improve workflow.

“I look forward to continuing to serve the community of Le Sueur and the surrounding area in the future!” Schroer said.

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